Thursday, September 25, 2014

Project Pie: Week 11

We’re back at the beginning of the book and where I started: Fruit Pies. Being as it’s Fall everywhere else in the country except Florida, I thought I’d make an apple pie.


I chose to go with Gala apples, after of course consulting with mom on which apples where best.  I made the crust following the books recipe for a double pie. I’m still not sold on it. It just doesn’t roll out nice for me and I find it kind of flavorless. I might have to go back to my tried and true recipe. IMG_1458

To cut the apples I used my fancy schmancey apple-corer-peeler machine. Charlie wasn’t as impressed as her daddy had been when he first saw it, but in her defense she was sick and mommy was making her help make a pie.IMG_1460

I mixed all the dry ingredients first then added them to the apples and it all went into my first crust. IMG_1459

The top crust was a hot mess and I really need to take a class in fluting. And not the kind you play-I mastered that in High School.  For some reason (I’m blaming the crappy crust) I can never get my edge nice and pretty. But in the end I guess all that matters is if it tastes good, right?IMG_1461

The pie was tasty,not as good as moms, but it was good.  It might have been the apples (they are so flavorless down here!) or maybe it needed more cin/sugar. 

IMG_1462 I think there is room to improve, but in the mean time…Apple Pie for breakfast!


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