This week I got to choose from the last chapter in our book: Ice Cream Pies!! I chose to make a grasshopper pie.
IIt looked yummy and easy enough. Little did in know….
The first snafu I ran into was locating Chocolate Wafers. I have a feeling these haven’t been popular since 1978..cause I couldn’t find them anywhere!! Also I needed 2 TBL Crème de Cacao and a 1/4 cup of Crème de Menthe. I was not about to spend $24 at the liquor store to get those.
Finally on day two of searching and trying all different possibilities I ended up buying a chocolate crust, spending $10 on crème de Menthe and realizing I had a giant bottle of Crème de Cacao in my liquor stash.

So I was all set…this should be cake…or pie 
First up I had to melt the marshmallows…easy, right? well I used a combination of existing marshmallows and new ones. They took forever to melt! I had to call in reinforcements, Adam, to give them a good stirring.
Finally after 20 some minutes they were melted. And basically the consistency of taffy. The longer they cooled the more taffy like they got.
I mixed in the liquor and found that the two were not blending well…which resulted in green splatters all over me and the white counters!
Being a little more careful, and using a whisk I was able to mix the two together finally.

Next up was whipping the cream. easy.
Then I was told to fold in the marshmallow mix. I knew there would be no way “folding” could happen, so I opted to use the beaters, and it worked pretty good.
I opened my perfect pie crust

And poured in the filling.
Then I had to freeze it overnight.
I have been sick this week, so the thought of ice cream pie sounded good. I took it out and cut myself a slice.

I ate it sneakily in the kitchen since we had decided not to let Charlie have any due to the alcohol. And to be honest…I was underwhelmed and kind of grossed out by it. It didn’t have much flavor and left a oily/greasy feeling on the roof of my house. I informed Adam of my opinion and added: “maybe it’s because I can’t taste very much”.
Later while giving Charlie a bath Adam ate his piece. He informed me that it was the best pie yet that I’ve made and that it tasted fantastic. Just like a grasshopper. So I guess I’ll have to wait until I feel better to try it again…hopefully Adam won’t have eaten it all up by then!!
Next week we go back to fruit pies! Adam said he’s going to see what’s on sale to decide, But I think he’s got his eyes on plums!