1. We try when we can to eat dinner as a family as much as possible, but a lot of the times Charlie starts before we sit down. However we always pray. On Tuesday night Charlie was already eating, but Adam and I sat down and began to pray. Charlie looked at both of us, stopped eating and clasped her hands. it was so sweet.
2. Charlie has taken a liking to oranges. she can’t wait for us to peel and deseed the next piece before she starts asking for it. the girl with inhale a tangerine faster than we can peel it. On the down side to this I’ve found out that tangerines stain. booo.
3. Charlie has learned how to blow kisses. Adam did it once when he was sick and couldn’t kiss her and she started to mimic him; the sound and hand. Now she’ll do it every so often and it’s so cute.
4. I was long overdue for a haircut/color. So I went all out and got 5-6” cut off and a completely new color. I wanted Marissa Tomei’s hair from Parental Guidance…and I think I got it! ya for new me

5. Our shuffle board team won their first ever game last week! Ivee and Greta were the winning team. We’re still in the bottom of the rankings, but we’re having fun!
6. Saturday Charlie and I tried out a Gymboree class; Play and Learn. She was so excited to see their set up and explore the room. The class was ok, not sure we’ll go back just yet, But boy does Charlie have no fear! she was climbing on anything and everything and laughing and running. She even found the cutest little boy in the class and sat next to him

7. Sunday was a play date with Adeline. The girls are so cute together, but we found out that Elmo was not something Adeline wanted to share. Uh oh…they’re already fighting over the most popular boy.
8. Adam and I watched the movie
Cloud Atlas. It was long, but interesting. Not sure I grasped all of the concepts, I think Adam did more than me, but overall it makes you think about events in life and how we’re all connected. If I had an extra 3 hours I’d watch it again…but I don’t. Oh well.
9. We have a busy few weeks coming up. Mom and Dad will be her Thursday and I have friends from Michigan and Joe & Jen coming next week! I wish I could say we spend the weekend cleaning the house, but we didn’t. Charlie and I went shopping after our class Saturday and walked the mall doing all things girly, perfume, purse and make up shopping! I got home and Adam asked if I had a new boyfriend to go with my new look…I said, Just trying to keep it interesting

10. I found out today that a cousin has cancer. That's never good news, but it’s good that they caught it early and are taking action! Please pray for her and a complete recovery! On a happier note we found out another cousin is getting married and having a baby! That makes 6 weddings in the next 12 months. Yikes. Life is busy, but we must cherish every moment and make it count because you never know what God has in store for you.