We’ve been busy lately; what’s new. Between our two jobs (each) hobbies, family, friends and fun our cup has runneth over and our house is a mess…but to be honest I really don’t care. We have enough undies to last us a month-so the laundry can wait.

Adam Loves playing Ultimate Frisbee. And I like that he has a hobby that is active and lets him run off some energy. But I don’t let it go unknown that I don’t like the time it takes away from us; our valuable quality time that seems scattered now that we’re working so much. So this year he’s cut back; I know he misses it, but honestly he doesn't have the time to commit. Luckily there are some off-season games he can join in on and still get his fix.

I’ve been working on getting my inventory up so that I can “open” my “store” for business.

My dear mother helped me to organize all of my fabric swatches into bins. I had a lot more than I anticipated and filled all 10 tubs with fabric to spare. She brought up the story of when I was three and I startled her by organizing my alphabet magnets by color. I was OCD even then. And yes, we organized my fabric by color into each bin. She enjoyed looking at all the different patterns and colors and discussed ideas for her own house.
Mom and I will try and get the photos this weekend-as long as it doesn’t rain again and get them up on the website!
Wigstock 2011 took place at our friends Kris & Paul’s.
Ringo and I had a good time.

Mom and Dad had a good time too!!

People got creative with the term WIG. This is Brian’s horn hat…it sounded like a tug boat in the house!

And then, as the night wore on, costumes switching began….

We can never pass up a good costume party and our collection of wigs is growing…

And yes, the Pleva’s do watch football…one time each year.

Dad made sure that Adam still had their coozies they bought the previous year.

Good times were had by ALL!

Life has been fun. Despite a rash of car problems
we’re doing good. Looking forward to a full February and what ever life is going to throw at us!