So Adam is bar-backing at games and events. He had worked their prior to us meeting and had an easy in. We both like the extra income and I don't mind him leaving early on a Saturday to go into work, I've had quite a few fun Girls days :). What I don't like, is his hours. He will go in at noon. And then come home at 3am. Yes A.M. But what's worse is it's not always 3, sometimes it's 2 or 330 or 12....It all depends on the event and how long the bartenders take to break down their bar. Which according to Adam is 3x's longer than it should take.
The past week he worked 5 events. Each night I would crawl into bed...and lie there. Waiting to fall asleep, waiting for my husband to come in the door. Not knowing which would come first. I don't sleep good on nights he works. One night it was so bad I was awake until 5 am. (he had gotten home at 3) and i had to go to work at 8. Slowly I've gotten better, but I think that I have gotten the worry gene from my mom and will be awake until all in my house are safe and sound. This means that when we have children, I will get the paybacks for all the sleepless night I caused my mom, which really wasn't a lot, but none the less.
Adam doesn't have another event for a week or so, so I will be catching up on my beauty sleep until my restless nights come again. I'd better stock up on the Nytol.
Nytol...will help you get your zzzzzzzzz's :)
On a side note, we've been having a good time this month, staying busy, seeing friends and getting out when we can. Last weekend we had the Annual Smith Halloween party. We went as Dunkin' Donuts :)
Kody as a Miner in the capsule
Tara the Flamingo-yes, that is a wig.
Sonia as a working box of Franzia :)
Sid, our host, as a four armed ax murderer.

Ivee (and John) came as Panda-monium :)
We went early and stayed late and had a surprisingly low key fun time. Everyone at the party realized we must all be getting older because the parties get tamer and tamer each year. Only 1 person went in the pool this year fully clothed. (all the rest were partly clothed :)
This weekend is the Ultimate National's Tournament in Sarasota. Adam's cousin, Adrienne, is playing in it so we will go down to watch and cheer on.
The weather feels like it wants to cool off...only time will tell. It's hard to get into the fall season when it's still 90 degrees out. But we'll get there....
Happy Halloween.