Lo and behold I found this:
Can you say PERFECT?
But wait. It gets better.
$29!!! that is sooooo do-able! It makes me want to dance around and sing Hoopla! hoopla! hoopla!
My mind started dreaming of how lovely they’d looked on either side of our bed while I typed in 2 and hit Add to Cart.
Then I went to check out.
I did a double a take. What? $96????
Then I saw the shipping.
I quickly closed the cart and shut down the internet.
Wait no-that’s a lie.
First I SCOURED the internet for a “free shipping” promo code to Crate and Barrel, tried to see if they would ship to the store or better yet if they were in our store here. And THEN after all that failed I shut it off.
I’m sorry, but I’m NOT paying more in shipping than my item costs. No Way Jose. Why? because that would be $50’s a lamp (with tax) and I’m not Paying No $50 for a little lamp to sit by my bed. Sorry I have principles… and a budget.
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