Biblical Definition
Talent: [Old English talente, from Latin talenta, pl of talentum sum of money, from Greek talanton unit of money or weight; in Medieval Latin the sense was extended to ability through the influence of the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14--30)]
Modern Definition
Talent: a special natural ability or aptitude
This year for our Lenten almsgiving our Church, Corpus Christi, is asking us to use our talents to raise money for our sister parish, St. Michael the Archangel in Dilaire, Haiti. The goal is to focus on education and to add one classroom to the existing school. So how does this work? The Funds for Haiti group gave out seed money to those who wished to participate. With this seed money you were asked to use your talents to multiple your seed money by using your god given talents. I have chosen to partake in this and was given $40 to fund my talent.
For those of you who don’t know, I like to sew. In the past I have made and sold bags, so I thought this would be a good time for me to resurrect those bags and use my talent for a good cause. Sine fabric is expensive I am donating fabrics that I have accumulated over the years and hoping to only use my seed money to purchase the notions needed (i.e. buttons, closures…)
I will be making two styles of bags. One is purse sized and the other tote. Since I am using fabric I already own chances are there will only be one of each, so these bags will be one of a kind…or as the French say couture. As I complete each bag I will post photos here and in an album titled Talents for Haiti on Facebook.
Corpus Christi will be holding a Talents Bazaar on April 27th from 8am to 3pm. Myself and other parishioners will be there selling their talents, feel free to attend! If you cannot attend and would like to purchase a bag from me please let me know and I will send the one you like your way! Or if you would just like to make a monetary donation, that is welcomed as well.
ALL (100%) of the money will go directly to the Education fund at St. Michael’s in Haiti.
Thank you for your support in this endeavor and in this season of selfless giving. This project will run until June 8th, when I will turn in my talents. If you have any questions about this project or would like to get involved, please let me know! And feel free to share with friends and pass this on :)
Thank you, Stephanie
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