We had a good week…and Adam got a few good pictures on his phone…but I don’t have access to them. So here’s what I got:
This is our friend Sonia and her dog Birdie. He greeted Charlie the French way… Charlie trying her hand at Shuffle Board
My girl always needs a snack when she gets home…
Sometimes two…this is her new love…cheese.
Daycare was closed thur/fri for spring break so Ms. Meg (one of my past parents from Dance) watched Charlie. Charlie picked out her own shoes…and I think this was the only hat Meg could find. All she needs is a shopping cart full of cans and she’s all ready for Nebraska Ave!
She’s getting better with her spoons! And still LOVES yogurt.
Saturday we had a play date with Adeline…so of course Tara and I took them to the bar!
When we got home Charlie’s new potty arrived…Somehow she knew just how they worked! if only she’d go in them.
Sunday Adam wanted to go to the Renaissance Festival..where people dress like this…Adam has a tradition of buying a wooden mug each year…
And the main reason I don’t like the Renaissance Festival…
I went through my bin of fabric and realized I had a lot more non baby fabric then I remember, so I decided to donate it to my Haiti Project.
Charlie really is living up to her Monkey nick name…girl LOVES bananas…even after she’s had dinner!
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