April 3, 2012
So I'm pregnant.
I haven't told anyone outside of Jordan and Bruiser.
I wrote it in the fog on the bathroom mirror, but Adam showered before he came to bed...at 4 am
I wanted so bad to wake him up and tell him, but I wanted to be sure since the first test i took was very light.
The second test (this morning) wasn't all that much darker, but it was definitely there.
two lines.
After 21 months I got to see two lines again.
I will tell Adam tonight when i get home.
I can't wait. I want to tell everyone, but i know he deserves to know first.
He has been my rock through this long journey.
After two very emotional, frustrating and heartbreaking years God has finally answered our prayers. To everyone who prayed for us and sent us encouraging words THANK YOU...we can't express how much that meant to us. It really pulled us through the dark.
and it is so wonderful on this side.
April 4, 2012
I told Adam last night.
He worked later than normal and i was going nuts not telling him. But i waited until he got home.
then until he ate his food.
and I listened to his day.
finally i told him i had a prize for him, which i did.
I had bought him some sock monkey nesting dolls for Christmas and forgot to give them to him. So i saved them for this specific purpose.
i put all the monkeys together, but in the smallest monkey i rolled up a note that said
"our little monkey will be here in December"
He was so excited with the gift and had fun opening up all the monkeys and admiring their different expressions.
Then he got to the last one and pulled out the paper.
He read it. looked at it.
Didn't say ANYTHING.
I was practically shacking and ready to cry.
Finally I said something...I don't remember what.
But he was defiantly shocked. "How? didn't you just have your period last week?"
So I explained to him the female cycle...and that no...it was a month ago.
I wish I could remember what else he said, but over all he was just shocked and so excited.
He had the biggest grin on his face.
"It's about time" he finally said.
He couldn't sleep last night - he was too excited he said.
I guess it's like Christmas...I just hope this won't last for the next nine months.
April 17, 2012
So i feel like I'm going to throw up all the time.
My super sweet husband bought me everything i asked for at the store.
I'm armed to get through each day at work. each long 9 hours.
i haven't actually thrown up, but it just feels like i could. And I'm a puker. If i have to throw up i do it. then i feel better. I know there are people who hate throwing up, but not me. But something tells me if i do throw up I'm not going to feel better...and it's not going to go away.
Small meals my Dr. said. I say lots of mints.
It doesn't help that my vitamins make me burp and it tastes like fish. i have some samples...i may try another brand.
we went to the Dr. last week. we saw the yoke sac. but that's all. next week we go again and hopefully we will hear the heart beat. I'm praying that it will all go well. I'm nervous. Adam's nervous too.
I told my brother and Jen. Then yesterday I told a friend, Kris, who knew our history and understood all to well what we were going through. she's so happy for us she started crying.
Today i get my blood work done. I hope i don't throw up. i hate blood, but I've become a pro at giving it now. But i just can't think about it...or look at it.
I'm sleeping a lot. I definitely need 8 hours a night. so if i go to bed early i wake up at 6. if i go to bed at my normal time I can't get out of bed at 7 for work.
We're both really happy. Excited. Nervous. maybe a little scared.
But so in love with each other and our new little monkey.
April 19, 2012
I threw up last night...while brushing my teeth. well my tounge to be exact.
right there in the sink. and yes mom, i thought back to when Erin Blocher threw up in your sink at my 3rd grade sleepover.
the last few days have been bad...queesy all the time. just not fun.
but today i feel a little better. not sure that's a great sign, but i'll take it.
maybe my body is just getting used to this feeling.
i've found that lemonaid helps or lemon juice in my water. but i'm worried if i drink too much the acid will ruin my enamal...and you can't get that back!
Adam didn't sleep on the couch last night, but he did the night before. the dogs were making to much noise and i couldn't sleep so he said he'd take them out. He's so sweet. but we both realized we could have just taken off their collars and the noise would have stopped. next time.
He also came home with a box of arm and hammer pet deoderizer. "What's this for?" I asked him. "you said it smelled like dog in the bedroom, so i was going to clean the carpet"
I married a saint.
The days just seem to be slowly ticking by...one more week until our next apt. We're both so anxious for it. We need the confermation that everything is going along smoothly. But i know it will be that 12 week check up where we'll finally be able to exhale. 1/2 way there.
April 23, 2012
how is it i've only known for 3 weeks?!?! it feels like it's been forever. I think time is just ticking by slowly until we go to the dr. again wednesday and hear the heartbeat.
i threw up 2 times this weekend. the culpret is brusing my teeth and having a full stomach. I so miss eating. everything look so good on the tv commercials, but when it comes time to eat nothing sounds good. Adam has been a trooper. He went to the store sunday and got me whatever i needed and (whatever he need) I stayed on the couch. We usually go togeather after church, but i told him..i don't think i can sit through mass today...i'm just misserable. So i sat on the couch all day...getting up when i'd get a burst of energy for a few minutes before sitting back down so as not to throw up.
the worst is work. I feel like crap. If i wasn't pregnent i wouldn't be here...but this also would be gone w/i 48 hours too. so i must push through.
Lemonaid is my new friend. don't know why but it helps. Mints too. I constantly have a nasty taste in my mouth (that makes me want to puke). And i need to remember to eat small meals. Adam keeps reminding me of this. it's very hard to break my 8,12,6 eating scheduale.
I'm not all that tired...maybe a little more than normal. i don't have much, if any more, cramping sensations. And my bras still fit :) So far it's just this constant flu. It really really stinks.
5 more weekes of this trimester...oh! it seems like an eternity. Maybe it will let up sooner...I really hope it does.
April 26, 2012
We saw the dr. yesterday, but more importantly we saw the baby. and heard it's heart beat...130bpm (I believe). Everything was measuring right on schedule (7w1d). We go back in 4 weeks...it will be a long four weeks. It was w/i these four weeks that we lost the 1st baby...so no, i'm not as excited as Adam is yet. I'm still playing it safe. He wants to tell the world and i want to wait until we acutally have it in our arms to tell people. But i know that won't be the case.
Also I think it's a boy. My only reasoning...everyone (almost) I know is having a girl. Statistically it needs to even out. And also the chinese gender chart said so...and they're never wrong ;)
After dinner last night I laid down on the couch (6:30 pm) Adam told me around 9 or 10 to go to bed...I slept until 7 am! only being woken up to say goodnight/goodmorning to adam. I guess I was tired.
I'm still feeling queesy and we discussed it with th Dr. Hopefully i can keep it at bay with small meals and not brushing my teeth so hard. Today i actually feel a little better. Which also worries me. As much as I hate feeling like i'm going to barf, it's comforting to know that it means everything i moving along. Only 5 more weeks....
May 15, 2012
This past weekend, while we were in Michigan we told my parents. And a few of my cousins. I explained to them to keep it quiet for a few more weeks. My cousin Beth was having a lot of trouble with that. So a few more people know.
Before we left for michigan Krista gave me an ultra sound at her office and the baby was still alive and moving along with a heart rate of 171bpm. She said it looked very good. With that we felt comfortable enough to tell my family, even though we'd have liked to keep it quiet a little while longer.
I have been feeling better this past week. Not as queesy and definetly getting my appitite back. Adam doesn't like that. He likes when i feel sick because it's confermation that everything is still going good. But i told him that the "morning" sickness doesn't last forever and 4 weeks was plenty enough for me.
Our next dr. apt is next Thursday where we'll have the nuclear ultrasound and hopefully will get a really good look at our little monkey. I will be 11w2d then. After that i think i will feel comfortable telling the rest of the family and then my work the following week.
So here i am at week 10. Only 2 weeks away from my much desired milestone. I hope that these next two weeks go by smoothly and that our baby continues to grow strong and healthy. ok, stomach is rumbling...time for breakfast.