This past weekend Adam and I had a nice relaxing time. Saturday I needed to go to the mall to get my jewelery checked (I have to go every 6 months). I told Adam that if he came with I'd take him out to lunch. I also wanted to swing by Crate and Barrel to buy him a surprise.
I told him it was because he's been so good to me over the last few months while I've been a useless bum! (who knew growing a human could be so debilitating?!?) So what did i pick him up?
A Garlic Roaster!
He's wanted one for a while, so I was happy to finally get one for him. It's cast iron so it can go on the grill or in the oven. He was very excited and our house smelled of garlic all night! I see lots of roasted garlic in our future :)
While i was quickly grabbing his prize I spied these
and I had to have them! I have been wanting to make Popsicles for a while now so I couldn't pass these up! That night we made pudding pops..yummy! Next up is fruit and yogurt bars.
After a nice lunch we headed into the mall to quickly run into the jewelers...but the store wasn't there! We found a directory and found out they had moved downstairs so we trekked through the mall to get to the new location. As we passed Teavana I asked Adam if he wanted a sample...he said he didn't, but i did. well that just started the ball rolling and the sales girl talking 30 min later we were armed with our own tea pitcher and 1.5lbs of wonderful smelling teas!
We figured since I'm not drinking we can spend the money we save on tea..because that stuff is not cheap! We ended up getting one of the blends we sampled (blueberry & pineapple) and then after checking out I pointed out a pear oolong to Adam and he HAD to get that one too. We enjoyed fresh herbal tea all weekend.
We finally got to the Jewelry store and I handed my jewels over to the sales associate. She noticed my wedding band looked really yellow (it's white gold) and showed me it next to was!! So they took my ring for a week to get it all sparkly and white. I miss it. I guess I'm supposed to have it done every 3-6 months...but no other associate has ever mentioned it to me and since my engagement ring is yellow gold i don't really notice. But now that i know I guess I'll have to get it done more often. (it's covered under my policy-so it's free!)
Sunday as we headed to church I said to Adam, we should take the dogs someplace today. ok, whatever you want he said. Then i got out of the car and walked through the parking lot. I turned to him and said "I don't want to go outside at all today! it's too hot" "Good" he said. So after church we relaxed and napped and enjoyed a lazy Sunday. I did make pretzel rolls for our lunch and we enjoyed them with sausages and Adam homemade romamalade.
It was a good weekend. Time spent together is always my first choice.
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