I scored some invited super duper on sale from Michael's last month and they set the color scheme.
I did some photo hunting and added the bride to the plane invite which had a brown ribbon tied atop it and fit nicely in a green sleeve with the word Pleas Join Us visible through a window. (Jeeze Steph a photo would be nice
After batting around “themes” with the other bridesmaids we decided on a Champagne Shower. Tara loves champagne…and who wouldn’t want to spend a Sunday afternoon in the back yard drinking champagne??
So right away I looked up “foods that go with Champagne” on Google and came up with a great site that listed a bunch of different options. Krista and I went over the menu and came up with this:
We'll be cooking away on Saturday to get everything ready.. yes-we’re making it all!!
With the menu set I began the fun part. The favors and the prizes for the games! When we were in North Carolina we were at a Dollar store and they had martini glasses for $1. Glass martini glasses. Do you know how hard I looked for inexpensive martini glasses for my wedding with no luck??? Anyway I thought Champagne flutes would be a nice favor. So begun my research. And it quickly ended at IKEA. $5 for 6 glass flutes! Score!! Krista and I knocked around ways to personalize them or mark them, but it was when we went into Pier one that we got the answer. Chalk board paint!
It was perfect. Tara’s wedding is at the shuffle board club and they use chalk boards and she’s been trying to incorporate them into the wedding stuff…so it was perfect. And the best part I found Brown (with the color scheme of course!) chalk board paint.
I had every intention of doing a nice pattern for the “board” but quickly realized my best bet would be to use painters tape and make a rectangle…so I did.
Enter in some colored chalk and we’ve got a fun favor!
We’re going to put some sweet wrapped up in the glasses as well for the ladies to take home.
Now what would a Bridal shower be without silly games? We’re going to have 4 games! One will be just for Tara-How well do you know Doug?
We’re also going to play how well do you know Tara?
Famous Couples-Name her other half.
And Which one is Tara?
This will be a surprise for Tara because her aunt, who can’t make the shower, contacted me wanting to send some baby photos of Tara to incorporate into the shower. So I thought it would be fun to pass them around, matched with another baby photo, and have the guests guess which is Tara, A or B.
For the prizes I decided to use my handy skills. I found a free pattern online for a jewelry roll and thought it would be a perfect prize and a way for me to learn how to sew a zipper
My first attempt wasn’t what I had hoped, but it wasn’t bad…Adam thought it looked fine. So I made two more, one being for Tara. The best part was I used the upholstery fabric from my work! (free!)
I also made an apron (with no pattern) using left over material I had around the house.
The last prize will be 3 more champagne glasses so that one guest will have a set of 4 chalk board glasses to take home.
Finally the last thing I thought to do was to make an apron for Tara…using the bridesmaid dress material. I did tell you that she’s have us have our dresses made from silk she ordered from New York, right? I am attempting to make my own bridesmaid dress…
Anyway she gave me 2 yards too much so I have enough extra to play with. I think I used under a yard to make her apron. But it turned out really good considering I didn’t have a pattern for this also. Tara likes pin tucking and pleating and hand made details…so I did what I could and pleated the top of the apron.
Then I attached the waist band
And then the ties…and I was all set!
It turned out super cute and only took me about an hour to do. I’m so excited to give it to her-I know she’ll love it!
I just hope she doesn’t mind it’s Dry Clean only! ha ha ha
So there you have it! This is what has been taking up all my time lately and what I did while Adam was away. I’m looking forward to next weekend and throwing Tara a wonderful shower. I’m sure I’ll have lots of pictures to share…so stay tuned.
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