So what is she doing? well, she’s sleeping though the night…in her crib. We put her in her crib at 9 weeks. And she’s been sleeping 8-10 hours since 7 weeks. She’s rolling over to side from her back. Sometimes she inadvertently grabs objects and doesn’t let got. Sitting up is a lot more fun than tummy time. Getting out of the bath is not fun. But if that’s the only screaming she does, we’ll take it.
All in all she is a great baby. my mom is still wondering how I got so lucky, since i was a pain in the a** baby for her :) I say she takes after her daddy. My mom has been with us since the beginning of February. She leaves on Saturday and Russ arrives that evening. We’re so lucky we are able to keep her out of daycare until she’s 5 months. But I must say I'm going to be a wreck leaving her when the time comes. Family is one thing…but a stranger!?!? yikes!
We are enjoying every minute we have with her and are looking forward to the next stage. It’s hard to believe that she’ll be able to start eating food soon!
Big girl!
She looks EXACTLY like I did at this age in this picture. However if you turn your head, she looks nothing like me…weird. Mostly she resembles Adam.
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