It has been two months now since Charlie has entered our life. We have slowly gotten the hang of things and are falling more in love with our little sweetie every day. I have only a few days until I go back to work. Part of me is ready, but a growing part of me is not. I asked Adam what it’s like to be gone at work all day away from her; he said “It sucks, I miss her like crazy”. Great. Monday is going to be tough.
Right now Ms. C is chilling in her crib. So i thought it would be a good time to finally reveal her room since it’s pretty much finished. As you recall it was our guestroom/office back in August.
Then I was put on bed rest and it was my “work room” all while it was being prepped for our little girl.
Adam did a lot of the work I did the designing. (as it should be ;)
Ok, enough talk, here is her finished room:
Adam painstakingly did that mural while I sat in bed calling off dimensions from my AutoCAD drawing. It is a design by Frank Lloyd Wright from the Storer House. Adam also built the floating shelves in the corner, which we realized we needed after seeing how much stuff this little girl had. My mother sewed the beautiful curtains. I did the bed skirt and the pillows. Everything else, we bought or was given to us.
Yes, we still have room for guests :)
I spy a baby…
The big question…does Charlie like it?
Yes! She loves her mobile, she loves rocking in her chair and staring up at the Ikea light, getting her diaper changed is her favorite thing and just the other day she discovered the pink elephants. Happy baby, happy parents. We are blessed.
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