Wednesday, January 27, 2010

In Sickness

Well we survived my surgery yesterday and I have to report that my husband is amazing.  He wouldn't eat anything in the morning because I couldn't.  And by 1p.m. I was starving.  I was craving a cheese burger and I told everyone in the hospital that I wanted one...but no one delivered.
We arrived at the hospital at noon to check in.  Adam was with me whenever he could be.  I made it through my first I.V. and it wasn't really that bad once i got over the notion that there was  a needle pumping saline into my hand.  I was also hooked up to a heart monitor and we had a good time trying to make it go fast or slower; I held my breath, got excited, and laughed all while Adam read me out my results.  We played seduku while i was in pre-op and tried not to think about what was going to happen.   When my Dr. came in she explained everything and we asked a lot of questions-all in all she eased our minds.  Then they put some meds into my IV and I started to feel a little goofy.  They rolled me into the operating room and there were about 4 women in bright colored scrubs getting me ready.  I recall them strapping my arms down to a board-but i didn't care.  Then they were putting the mask on my face and it tasted yucky.  All of a sudden my face started to tingle and go numb.  I laughed and cracked a few jokes-then i was out.

I woke up in recovery and was crying.The nurse came and wiped my tears and had me tell her my birthday.  I felt very groggy and I had cramps in my abdomen-she gave me some medicine for the pain and it helped them subside.  It was very difficult for me to open my eyes and i kept crying - I don't know.  The tube that was in my nose was really annoying and she took that out.  As I came too I noticed that it was 4:30! I couldn't believe how long I had been out.  She helped me to the bathroom and I changed into my clothes and then she brought Adam to me.  He explained that the Dr. had called him afterward and said that everything went well.  They had to take out more than they expected due to the fact that the cells had spread.  There was also another area she noticed and she took samples of that.  She also said that I didn't bleed a lot and that was good.  After some apple juice and saltines they wheeled me out to the car.  I was very tired, very soar, and very out it.
We attempted to fill my pain prescription at the closest Walgreen's-but it would have taken an hour and we were 1/2 hr away from home.  After we made it to our local CVS Adam took me home where I was greeted with two vases of flowers at my door.  Thanks Mom & Dad. Thanks Tara & Krista.  Adam set them up in our room and I crawled into bed and set the heating pad at high.  Three Ibuprofen seemed to take away the pain and I didn't need to take the Vicodin the Dr. had given me.  Adam made sure i had water with a straw and made me food when i decided I was hungry.  The cheese burger was no longer in my mind-Mac n Cheese worked just fine.  He was great and brought me tea and sat with me while we ate.  I got lots of rest and woke up feeling much much better.  This morning I made it into work and the only pain I had was in my head-which we assume is from lack of fluids yesterday.  I will go back to the Dr. in two weeks and she will give me my results-which we hope are good.
Thank you to all for your prayers, support and rosary's.  I am lucky to have such great family and friends and of course a model husband.  And I promise to get up the details on our honeymoon soon-we have lots of pictures and stories.

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