Thursday, November 19, 2009


Two months we've been married.
Two days we've spend apart since getting married.
Two dogs that now reside in my (our) condo.
Two lives merged into one.
Two months until our honeymoon.
My favorite number for some reason has been always been two.  Maybe it's my need to be balanced, my desire for symmetry.  The fact that when there is two no one is ever alone.  But today marking our 2nd month of marriage also bring about my new least favorite number-five.
Five days until I see my husband again. (I have a feeling tomorrow it will be four)

Adam is off to Miami for work until Monday.
It's funny how fast you can get used to someone always being there. I look forward to seeing his face every night when he gets home and to him saying good bye (as much as I rather keep sleeping) each morning.  He has been the best possible husband I could think of.  He's put up with all my whining and my moods.  He's rubbed my back when it's been sore and done the dishes without being asked.  He's cooked dinner and shared his thoughts on life.  He's told me he loves me over and over.  He's been the man I had always dreamed of meeting; the man who's face I could never see.  Until he walked into that party back in 2007.  I knew.  He didn't, but I did.

To the love of my life; Happy Two.

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