Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas

Sending love and big giant hugs to wherever you are in the world on this magical day.

us 2011

The FunYoungs-Adam + Stephanie (Jordan & Bruiser)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Ave Maria

The other night Adam & I were doing chores around the house and Ave Maria came on over the stereo.  As I was walking by Adam said “I saw the most beautiful women walking towards me to this song”  It took me a second, but I realized he was talking about me, on our wedding day.

Sometimes the most random, sweetest and surprising things come out of his mouth.


Monday, December 12, 2011

Goodbye November-Hello December

Hello old friends.

Wow…it’s been a while.

We’ve been ridiculously busy.  Thanksgiving…wedding…birthday…guests…Christmas prepping…oj juicing…

We are alive and well and I really wish I had more time to give the big run down…but I don’t. So here are some highlights from the last 3 or so weeks…

We got to visit with Stephanie’s family when they came to St. Pete for her 1/2 Marathon. Adam had fun with the boys Smile


No joke, Maddox is ‘driving’ Adam. they were so cute.PB200437

Jonathan arrived just in time for a pre-thanksgiving Bulls Basketball game.PB230449

Dad and Adam like comparing their exact same cameras.PB240461

Poor Jonathan was so sick he slept most of thanksgiving…or as we liked to say, he guarded the good silver.PB240465


Fun games after dinnerPB240466

We toured the  Yeungling brewery PB250475

And played some cards while we enjoyed our samples.PB250481

Adam got the biggest sample of all!


We took an impromptu trip the the happiest place on earth…PB260505

Dad and Jonathan found Nemo.PB260518

Quick beers in Canada…PB260527

Before moving onto England…PB260528

Then we stopped off in FrancePB260535

before finally launching off for our trip to Mars.PB260558

Then it was time for Tara to get married…


The whole day was a big blur…PC020569

But the bride looked gorgousPC030570

Jared came home and stopped over for a fondue dinner one week night…PC060574

Adam found many uses for the 50+lbs of oranges he bought for the wedding.PC090575

I squeezed over 16 cups!PC090577


Then I went and had a birthday. PC100580

33 years old. PC100582

But not a day over 6…PC100584

or at least 21 Smile


Happy December!