Friday, August 22, 2014

Project Pie: Week 6

Well we’re back to the beginning of the book and if you recall Chapter 1 is fruit pies, but this time it was Adam's choice.  He made his decision based upon what was on sale…Plum Pie it was!


This pie only required one crust…on the top. And of course his came out perfect.IMG_1089[1]

It was pretty simple to make, you halved the prunes and mixed it up with some dry ingredients and put it in the pan.


Then he topped it with the crust, fluted the edges and cut out a neat shape.



It smelled really good while it cooked.



Adam was gone most evenings this week so we cut the first piece without him. I was sick so I didn’t have much. But Charlie did, and she liked it! (big surprise)


One thing is that it was really runny and needed to be served in a bowl. But with ice cream it was yummy! Not sure if we’ll add this to our favorites, it was good, but it needs some modifications if we try it again.

Next week my choice in the cream pies!

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